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Jonathan Fernández Mertanen

Information Systems Engineer, Full Stack Developer and web enthusiast from Spain looking for new challenges and horizons.

Currently based in Kuopio, Finland and working at

Efecte logo

My skills

Looking to improve my skills and learn new techs

  • Angular logoAngular logo blurred
  • React logoReact logo blurred
  • React Native logoReact Native logo blurred
  • Typescript logoTypescript logo blurred
  • Javascript logoJavascript logo blurred
  • Node logoNode logo blurred
  • Gatsby logoGatsby logo blurred
  • HTML logoHTML logo blurred
  • CSS logoCSS logo blurred
  • Java logoJava logo blurred
  • MongoDB logoMongoDB logo blurred
  • C++ logoC++ logo blurred
  • PHP logoPHP logo blurred
  • WordPress logoWordPress logo blurred
  • Git logoGit logo blurred
  • Google Cloud logoGoogle Cloud logo blurred
  • Databases logoDatabases logo blurred


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Front/Web development

My focus and passion since I discovered it. Creating things that can be useful to users is amazing!

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Web design

Besides creating and developing new projects, I really enjoy exploring new trends and platforms about design and UX/UI

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Back end

Never missing a pillar of every front end application. I love connecting both app and server and see them work together!

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Mobile development

In a world on the way to be fully "mobile" this is a must. Responsiveness and native interfaces are more important than ever

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Cloud & Versioning

Almost all my stuff is on the Cloud. Versioning and deploy pipelines are also on a huge trend and simplifies a lot of work

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New stuff

I really enjoy discovering new technologies and learning the differences between existing ones. Development is on constant evolution so am I!

Projects / Work

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Plenion - Fullstack

3 years working on The Cloud Gate S.L in Granada developing a SaaS (Plenion 24/7) for Plenion, a Belgium organization that provides ERP facilities for the construction environment. This SaaS provides an API (developed in Java and Google Cloud) to integrate Cloud functionalities from Microsoft and Google into Plenion systems, mainly files, calendar and tasks. In addition, we provide a web application as a portal for customers to access this information. This web application is developed in Angular.

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Bedroom Radio - Fullstack

Bedroom Radio is a project focused on bringing and discovering hispanic artists to people. The objective is to give voice and a safe space to emergent artists that have not much visibility. The application is built in Next.js and it plays a music playlist fetched from our own server. The backend is developed in Strapi CMS. It is used to add songs and playlists and many other functionalities that are shown in the application.

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Amai Takahashi - Digital sculptor Portfolio

Amai Takahashi is a fantastic digital sculptor and 3D artist. This project is a portfolio webpage showcasing all the recent designs and creations for 3D printing. It is built in Next.js and it uses a local CMS to manage all the content. It is a static and very simple website that is deployed in Vercel and continuously integrated with Github, so it is very easy to update and maintain.

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GTAV Private server - Fullstack

One of the biggest spanish communities of Grand Theft Auto Roleplay. I was part of this group of developers and designers that developed a private roleplay server for GTA V. The server was built in NodeJS and it used a Chromium embedded instance to show the interface, developed in React Component oriented. We worked with designers that would create the interfaces ingame before making them into code.

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This Portfolio - Fullstack

I built this porfolio to show my work, what I know and a bit of information about me. It is developed in Next.js. It uses the Next API server to send an email form aswell as other funcitonalities outside of this page.
